The world wide web was started on 1980`s, I learn about the internet after year 2000. It was started when I join the computer class during my 3rd year high school. I am very excited to explore what a computer and the internet can affect our daily living after knowing the basics since the world is starting to embrace cybernetics. During my college years, I am a hardcore gamer (tantra) online game and I was bored playing that game then I was able to search about other games to enjoy and there was a time that my friend introduced me the and said that everything you need is already at that site and joined immediately and become my family forum.
It was on November 21, 2009 that I joined the UZ forum more than a year ago. Moreover, I was really amazed about the content of the forum because I wanted to download (offline games) and know about the internet, pc software and tricks and everything was catered. For instance, downloading my favorite offline games (NBA 2k11, NBA live and FIFA 11) for free. It was my first time to have that game for free so i decided to stay as part of a family in UZ ( I am very proud to say that I was a part of the GFX squad because that i dreamed for to become a UZ staff. I gained that position by joining the contest making UZ logo and the administrator granted me to be part of uz staff.
Staying as a family their should be a brother and sisterhood relationship and I found it in UZ staying as a family and creating good community forum. For instance my brothers were bagwis, bhoc84, Dirk, ChakraChii, FoFood, gangster, jumong_mirana, k1lm0r3, lessur, nandi, niwniw, rachien0id, rodel, techsandwich and zignuz. What is more my sisters were tiNe, RuFeLa, Dashiang and cesyseven. They are all found and listed at my friends list on my UZ profile.
I am active in computer zone specifically the PC applications and PC games. I also posted some pc appz/sofware and games. Being a GFX squad, I also upload my artworks at Multimedia zone. During the past year I was searching for UBT/FBT for my nokia e63 and I found it to UZ thread the mobile zone. My family forum catered what I need and I am very thankful to that.
To my mind, UZ family will still stand to share and give comfort to the internet and mobile users to find home. I am very lucky to find my family forum embracing me with arms wide open and I will help my UZ family to continue serving the internet users. I hope that in the future and future generation will use the capabilities of UZ services to make life better together with technology as the world advancing together with cybernetics.